In the last few decades several traditional mind-body techniques have been studied
in relation to addiction recovery.
Studies using mindfulness meditation, Transcendental Meditation or yoga
have been the most popular.
A strong case could be made that the
Relaxation Response is activated
during all of these traditional techniques.
It is interesting then that most studies about addiction recovery
have not directly used the open techniques of the
Simple Technique or
the Benson-Henry Technique.
Possibly one reason that
open techniques have not been used in more
studies about addiction recovery may be a lack of awareness.
Another reason may be that there are more people who practice
and advocate for traditional techniques.
In other words, the traditional techniques have a larger support
We try to make the case below for more people to try the
open techniques for addiction recovery, both personally and in
scientific studies.
Advantages of Using Open Techniques for Addiction Recovery
studies have shown that increased personal stress is related to more shifts
toward addiction. The Relaxation Response has been shown scientifically to
counter the stress response.
Therefore, it is logical to use and study the open techniques in
the same way that the other mind-body techniques have been used and studied.
Furthermore, the open techniques can be refined through experience more easily
than traditional techniques. Traditional techniques are often linked to
belief systems and cultures. This often leads to more constraints in
changing a traditional technique practice.
However, open techniques are focused more on what will work in reducing stress
and improving health. As regards addiction recovery, open techniques can be modified
as needed using an evidence based approach. Success in addiction recovery can be
fairly direct to study also. Whether someone stops their addiction is usually the
measure of success.
It has also been shown that 12 step programs
are better overall than therapy for addiction recovery.
One of the main concepts of 12 step programs is
finding a “higher power”,
or “God as we understand God”. Different traditions usually have their own concept
of this higher power. Therefore, if someone in a
12 step program has a different concept of a higher power than what is supported
by one of the traditions, then there could be some discomfort during recovery. The person
using the 12 step program may not be able to take advantage of the traditional practice
because of this discomfort.
As a result, the person usin
This is where use of the open techniques can be very helpful.
The findings about the Relaxation Response are based on science.
The open techniques make no assumption about someone’s higher power.
This should make the use of the open techniques more comfortable for more people
working a 12 step program. This would suggest that the open techniques could be
more effective overall for addiction recovery than other
traditional techniques, at least for 12 step programs.
Since the 12 step program is the most widely used program for
addiction recovery, this should be a strong case for the use and study
of open techniques for addiction recovery.